READ: Hebrews 12:5-13

Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?” – Hebrews 12:8-9

Obedience and a change of lifestyle is a great sign of respect. When you change your behaviour and begin to do something differently just because someone told you so, it is a sign that you respect the person greatly. Sometimes when a married couple are having intractable problems that they cannot resolve, a more senior and respected person is brought in to see if his words will make a difference. Because the couple respects the senior person, they listen and change their ways.

Respect and honour are always a reason for change. Sometimes, the instruction does not make sense but honour and respect will make people obey.

For years, I advised people against taking loans and getting into debt. Most of the people I spoke to did not respect me. They simply went right ahead and took all the loans they felt they should take. Apart from them having their own opinion about debt (which I respect) there is an element of disregard when someone totally ignores all you say.

Every preacher has people who do not respect him. A lot of people do not respect Jesus Christ. What Jesus has taught us about eternity does not matter to them. You will be judged for what you dishonour!

God asked the children of Israel to keep His Sabbaths as a sign of respect to Him. God saw the keeping of the Sabbath as respect. He said, “…keep my Sabbaths and reverence me” (Leviticus 19:30). Whenever you change your behaviour, change your life, change something you do, you show your respect to the one who spoke to you. Failure to obey is failure to honour!