READ: Mark 11:12-24

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. – Hebrews 11:3

Jesus said, “You can have what you say” (Mark 11:23). This principle teaches that when a person speaks out words of faith; whether to a mountain, a hill, a valley or a river, there will be a response to the declarations. Even the inanimate, non-living object will respond to words spoken.

The words that Almighty God spoke over Adam and Eve have determined the course of the human race. The futility experienced by all of us is something we cannot shake off. Death looms ahead of every human being and stands as a thief of everything we do here.

Faith is a very powerful force because it is the force that was deployed in the creation of the planets, the stars, the sun and the moon.. We are taught that the world was created by faith. God spoke the world into existence when He said, “Let there be light.” Spoken words are the reason for Jupiter and its sixty-two moons, Saturn with its fifty-three named moons and Neptune and its fourteen moons. Faith is a great force that can create a life of blessings or a life of curses. When a man of faith speaks words, they can create a world of blessings or a world of curses. Throughout the Bible, men of authority have spoken curses and blessings over people, individuals and nations. The years have gone by and proven that their words were not idle words but powerful creative words that determined the outcome of lives.

Watch out for authority figures that speak words of faith. Watch out for these people, for they speak words that can change your life forever.