READ: Hebrews 2:6-18

As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come” – Proverbs 26:2

A curse is a legally binding declaration that is difficult to revoke, remove or cancel. If a judge declares that you are sentenced to prison for twenty years, it would take a great miracle to change it. The words spoken by a judge are legally binding.

An African head of state who was once very powerful was sentenced to life imprisonment by powerful judges in Holland. Today, those words spoken by the judges are being implemented by the army, the police and the security forces of all European nations. He is locked behind bars. These powers have secured him in the prison. This is how a curse works. It allows demons to have access to you when they would otherwise not have had such access. The judge did not speak without a cause. The curse causeless does not come. The authority figure does not speak without a good reason.

There are good reasons why this man is forced to live the rest of his life as a prisoner. He caused the deaths and mutilation of thousands of ordinary people and is receiving human judgment for his crimes. When the judge passed the sentence, it was as though a powerful curse was declared over the rest of his days on the earth.

A curse can be legally challenged, removed and revoked. The way by which a curse can be cancelled in your life is by being “redeemed from the curse”. To be redeemed is for someone to pay for the crime so that you no longer have to pay for your sins.