READ: Psalm 46:1-7

…whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement” – 1 Peter 3:6

Perhaps the commonest temptation of women is the temptation to be fearful. The Scripture above teaches that the daughters will do well if they are not afraid.

Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear influences many women to do the things they do. Humbly analyse your thoughts. See if you are acting out of fear

Below is a list of some of the common fears of women: The fear of not getting married The fear of marrying the wrong person.

The fear of your husband becoming interested in someone else
The fear of your husband not loving you anymore
The fear of investing your all into marriage and losing it all
The fear of not having a child
The fear of your children not doing well
The fear of poverty and financial difficulties
The fear of becoming a widow
The fear of in-laws
The fear of not being liked by others
The fear of being mistreated in the future
The fear of experiencing what you’ve seen happen to others

Fear is a demon (2 Timothy 1:7). A demon should never make you do anything. Fear should never make you criticize and accuse your husband. Do things for the right reasons and God will bless you.