READ: Genesis 4:8-14

And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.” – Genesis 4:11-12

It is not so easy to define the curse so we must turn to the Bible and see what a curse really is. Let us look at biblical definitions of a curse.

1. To be cursed is to continually have everything work against you all the time. To be cursed is to experience evil, misfortune and death when you should have received goodness, good fortune and life. (Genesis 3:18)

2. To be cursed is to sweat, to struggle, to be agitated, to suffer. (Genesis 3:17-19) The fighting, the struggling, the toil and the labour in our world are the evidence of the curse. Receive the grace to rise above the struggles, the toil and the futility in the earth.

3. To be cursed is to be never established, a fugitive, continually on the run, continually a beggar, a tramp, a vagabond and a worthless person. (Genesis 4:9-12) To be a vagabond is to live under a curse. God is lifting you from every vagabond-like existence!

4. To be cursed is to be made a servant of servants. (Genesis 9:25) A servant of servants is permanently blighted (prevented from growth and prosperity), continually confused and confounded. To be a servant of servants is to be continually unable to rise, hounded by unhappiness and desolation. You are delivered from all forms of inescapable servanthood!

5. To be cursed is to be surrounded, bedevilled, continually harassed, continually tormented, unable to escape and continually arrive at a doomed and damned end. (Deuteronomy 28:19) Whether going in or whether coming out, you come to the same conclusion and confusion. God is giving you the wisdom key that will deliver you from the enemies that surround you!