READ: Isaiah 58:3-6

And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again. And in the same house remain, EATING AND DRINKING SUCH THINGS AS THEY GIVE: …. ” – Luke 10:6-7

Jesus commissioned His disciples to go out on a mission eating and drinking whatever they were served. One day, I travelled to a certain country to preach. When it was dinnertime, the pastor was surprised that I ate anything at all.

“We were expecting you to fast!” he exclaimed.

I asked him, “Why were you expecting me to fast?” He said, “Someone from your country came to our church and he did not eat anything till he left. Every time we took him to dinner he said he was fasting. So we thought you would do the same.” The power of God that works in your ministry does not depend on the fasting you do today. It depends on the foundation of fasting and prayer you have already done.

Fasting can be an exercise in vain if you do it in the wrong way. Fasting is not about sentencing yourself to hunger and suffering whilst you work.

Fasting is a time that you wait on God to achieve spiritual greatness. You can go deeper in the spirit during your fast. When Jesus fasted, He went to the wilderness and achieved great things in the spirit. He did not stay in town and do all the things that He usually did.

Have you wondered why we do not have the same results that Jesus had? It is because we do not fast the way He did. Always remember that fasting is not the same as being hungry and thirsty. Everyone can be hungry and thirsty but not everyone can fast.