READ: John 6:1-14

Be careful for nothing; but in EVERY THING BY PRAYER AND SUPPLICATION WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known unto God.” – Philippians 4:6

Prayers of thanksgiving must be mixed with every kind of prayer. You must always say thank you as part of every prayer. Do not finish any prayer without saying “thank you”. Even in the most difficult situations, you must learn to say “thank you Lord” because that is what the Bible says. Prayers of thanksgiving must be prayed always and for all things. You must thank God not just in everything but for everything: Ephesians 5:20.

Prayers of thanksgiving are very powerful in the release of multiplication miracles. I once observed a man of God laying hands on people and saying “Thank you Jesus.” When I understood the power of thanksgiving I understood that the power of thanksgiving was releasing miracles in the lives of the people. And that was why he said, “Thank you Jesus” whenever he laid his hands on them. When Jesus was confronted with the need to feed five thousand people, all He did was to say thank you to God and the miracle power of multiplication was released.

Prayers of thanksgiving are prayers for the release of great and outstanding miracles. The miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead was performed by a prayer of thanksgiving. When Jesus stood by the grave, all He did was to give thanks and mighty power flowed from Heaven: John 11:40-44.

Prayers of thanksgiving cause the earth to yield her increase and her blessings. Prayers of thanksgiving release the power of increase that no other type of prayer does: Psalms 67:5-7