READ: Ruth 3:1-18

And when the king’s decree which he shall make shall be published throughout all his empire, (for it is great,) all the wives shall give to their husbands honour, both to great and small.” – Esther 1:20

The adaptation of someone to you is the proof that he honours you. To honour someone is to accommodate him, to adjust to him and to adapt to the person. Similarly, your failure to adapt, to adjust and to accommodate someone are clear manifestations of a lack of honour. There are several people in the Bible who adapted themselves to others as a sign that they honoured a person.

Ruth adjusted and adapted herself to the man Boaz by washing herself, anointing herself and putting on appropriate clothes. Indeed, when a woman is in awe of her husband, she will carefully present herself to him. She will wash, she will clean and she will put on the best clothes and the best perfumes so that she is all that a man wants from a woman.

When the woman no longer has the same awe and honour that she had at the beginning of her marriage, she will no longer wash, clean or anoint herself. The woman who does not adapt herself to her husband is dishonouring him. A newly-married woman who is seeking to honour her new husband will adjust many things in order to please him. She will adjust the time that she comes home. She will adjust the company that she keeps. She will adjust her eating habits. She will adjust the clothes that she wears. She will adjust the time that she sleeps. She will adjust the time that she wakes up. Indeed, when the love and the honour are gone, all these adjustments and adaptations will stop.