READ: Mark 5:25-34

Jesus saith unto her, said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” – John 11:40

Faith is your key to reversing the bad situations in your life. Jesus Christ showed us that every bad situation is reversible by faith. Today, you must believe that God can reverse every bad situation that has cropped up in your life.

Jesus Christ came to the home of Mary and Martha. A very bad situation had occurred. Their brother, Lazarus had died and been buried four days earlier. Jesus was not perturbed by this bad news. He knew that every bad situation could be reversed by faith in God. He said to Martha, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see my glory?”

In this life, you will encounter many different situations. Not all of them will be good. There will definitely be some bad situations. Remember always that every bad situation is reversible by faith.

It is true that Lazarus was in the grave. It is true that Lazarus had been buried for four days. It is true that his body was already decomposing and stinking in the heat underground. But Jesus declared that if Martha believed, she would see glory.

Today I declare to you that you will see glory as you trust in God. Whatever seems to be a bad and negative situation will be reversed by the force of faith. You will see power! You will see honour! You will see glory through your faith in God and His Word.

Faith will reverse every bad situation. Keep stirring up your faith. As you do, you will be reversing all the works of the devil in your life. Keep developing your faith by listening even more to preaching and teaching.