READ: Galatians 3:1-11

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” – Romans 10:17

Agreat change will come into your life if you listen to a lot of preaching. This is because faith comes by hearing. After I was born again, the greatest upward change in my life came from listening to preaching tapes of Kenneth Hagin.

I once visited a church that I had not been to for eight years. I was amazed by the transformation in the church. They were alive! They were vibrant! They were mature! They were eager! They were flowing! They had grown! They were givers! It was amazing! Then I realized that the church had been listening to the podcast of my preaching. They had been soaking in the Word of God and listening to sermon after sermon.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to make yourself an addict of preaching messages. Faith comes by hearing. You will become a man of faith, a man of great beliefs. Learn how to listen to the same message over and over again. The more you hear the same thing, the more it soaks in deeper. The deeper it soaks into your spirit, the more it produces a change in your life. Perhaps, this is the single most radical life-changing habit I can recommend to you.

Listening to preaching is like going to the university. Universities change people’s lives. By the time people qualify from the university, they are changed into lawyers, doctors, engineers, pharmacists, etc. When you listen to preaching, it is like having university lectures at home, in your car, on the move, in bed and in the gym. Expect the most major transformations as you soak in preaching messages!