READ: Acts 14:23-28

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” – Romans 8:14

One of the key aspects of revelation is the guidance that it brings. You must be led by the Holy Spirit in all that you do for God. Every detail matters to God. He wants to know and He wants to direct. You cannot just have a radio program because everyone is doing it.

When you are led by the Spirit of God, you become a son of God. A son of God is a supernatural being who operates under the powers granted by his heavenly father. Being led by the Spirit of God makes you have a supernatural ministry. It is supernatural to have thousands of people gathering every Sunday to listen to your wisdom.

Kenneth Hagin said the difference between ministers is their ability to be led by the Spirit of God. Kenneth Hagin shared how he had prayed for the spirit of wisdom and revelation for years and years on end. It also became my prayer as I sought after the Lord.

One of the key duties of a minister is to wait and seek for supernatural guidance concerning everything that he is doing. Waiting on God for supernatural guidance is no small task. It is a big job and will take up hours, days and weeks of searching for the will of God.