READ: Philippians 1:12-30


“…the harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye
therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth
labourers into his harvest.“ – Luke 10:2


God saved us so that we would live for Him and do His purposes. This is why we are still alive. One of these good works is the planting of churches. God wants people who will go to the villages and towns with His message. Your works are very important to God (Revelation 2:2).

When people preach and teach it does not mean that they do not have problems. As we minister the Word of God, these problems become smaller. Instead of us focusing on our difficulties, let us stretch out and reach the “untouched” people of our day . God has never used perfect people who have no problems. Noah had a drinking problem but God used him. Abraham had serious marital problems, but God used him. Rahab, the harlot had moral problems but God used her. The fact that God will use you does not mean that you have no problems of your own.

We have “this treasure in earthen vessels” (2 Corinthians 4:7). God’s glory and anointing is not in heavenly or angelic vessels, but in earthly vessels. I have always ministered in spite of my personal problems. People look at me and assume that I have no problems. Doing the works of God makes it seem as if I have no problems.

Every earthen vessel that the Lord uses is plagued with personal problems. He ministers in spite of these and not because his life is perfect. The good news is that as you focus on the work of God, your personal problems diminish in intensity and in significance.