READ: 2 Peter 1:2-8

But…the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things…” – John 14:26

The Bible is replete with instances when the Holy Spirit became “visible” (shown, demonstrated, manifested) to believers. The Holy Spirit becomes visible to the average Christian through the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit. His principal job is to teach and guide the Church. Every time you are in the presence of the teaching anointing, you must acknowledge the great presence of the Holy Spirit. When you read your Bible and begin to have deep revelation in the Word, the Holy Spirit is being manifest.

The primary way God makes Himself visible and relevant to us according to the above verse is, “to teach you all things”. When Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to believers, He was promising a teacher. You do not know the Holy Spirit if you do not know him as a teacher. The Holy Spirit brings two essential rewards to you through the teaching of God’s Word. 2 Peter chapter 1, verse 3 says that God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.

When the Holy Spirit becomes a teacher to you, first, He will give you all things that pertain unto life! What are the things that pertain to life? The things that pertain to life are money, cars, clothes, houses, healing, good jobs, wife, children, health, education, long life, prosperity, peace, joy in the Holy Ghost, knowledge, wisdom, good pastors, friends, etc.

The second essential reward of the Holy Spirit when He teaches you the Word of God is that He gives you all things that pertain unto godliness!