READ: Exodus 34:27-35

And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone…” – Exodus 34:30

Fellowship with Jesus everyday. God wants to interact with you. He wants to fellowship with you. God’s desire since the days of Adam has been to fellowship with man.

When Moses came down from the mountain after fellowshipping with the Lord, the glory of the Lord was upon him. The glory of the Lord will be upon you when you fellowship with God.

When I woke up in this world, I found myself in Ghana, West Africa. I realized that I was very far from
the great men of God in America. I desperately wanted to fellowship with them but there was no way possible. I did not even have a visa to America, nor had I any money to buy a plane ticket. Even if I had been able to get there, many would have seen me as a crazy black man who was trying to get too close! They would have called their security guards to protect them from me. So God showed me a way that
I could fellowship with some of the most anointed people of this generation; their books and tapes!

I have fellowshipped with many people through their books. I got to know their minds through their books. In the same way, I have interacted with the Lord Jesus by reading the Bible and studying His words and actions.

You will not be a minister of substance if you do not have your own personal fellowship with the Lord. I do not mean a last-minute check of certain Scriptures before you preach. A quick check of a Scripture is different from fellowshipping with somebody through the written Word.