READ: Romans 10:11-17

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” – Romans 10:17

Faith is an unstoppable force and you need as much of it as you can get.

Faith rises and falls depending on the amount of hearing you do. The more you hear, the more the force of faith arises within you. God has given us a clear key to acquiring more of this unstoppable force. Hearing and hearing!

In today’s world, it is even more possible to hear the word of God whenever you want to. You can play preaching and teaching all day long through your phone, through the internet, through your hard drives, through your car and much more. It is now your fault if you do not expose yourself to more and more preaching and teaching.

In 1988, as a medical student, I exposed myself to preaching by Kenneth Hagin. I loved listening to his teaching. I was drawn inexorably to his tapes and I put them on as my companions. My room was never quiet because his preaching would be heard night and day. I rarely pray in a silent room. The atmosphere is always regulated by the sound of preaching or singing. Whilst listening to Kenneth Hagin, I learnt about demons and how to deal with them. That is what he was preaching about when at a point, I felt God was telling me “From today you can teach.” I believed it! I received a word from the Lord and I believed it! My whole life and ministry changed from that word that I believed.

Today, I am teaching the word of God to you through this book. How did I get here? I got here by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing! Your ability to expose yourself to the hearing of the word of God is a master key to your spiritual development.