READ: Isaiah 61:1-11

Howbeit when HE, THE SPIRIT of truth, is come, HE WILL GUIDE you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that SHALL HE SPEAK: and HE WILL SHEW you things to come” – John 16:13

Flowing in the anointing is the art of relating with the Holy Spirit as a real person. Flow with the Holy Spirit as a real person by recognizing the Holy Spirit as a familiar voice, a presence, a guide and the source of your thoughts and ideas.

What can you do with a real person? You can talk to a real person! You can see a real person! You can listen to a real person! So flowing in the anointing is talking, discussing, seeing and fellowshipping with a real person. Say “Good morning” or “Good night” to the Holy Spirit. Discuss things with the Holy Spirit. Chat with the Holy Spirit. Listen for advice from the Holy Spirit. Recognize thoughts, ideas and reminders from the Holy Spirit. That is how to flow with the Holy Spirit as a real person.

Your language changes when you flow with the anointing. You begin to speak as though you are referring to a substance rather than a person. For instance, you cannot say God is getting stronger. God cannot get stronger. But a wind can blow harder, and you can feel it more. The rain could pour, and you could feel a heavier or lighter downpour. You cannot command the person of God to move to the left or to the right side of the congregation. However, you can do that with oil or with a blanket.

That is what it means to flow in the anointing. It is to accept that the Holy Spirit is also one of these scriptural tokens and totally give yourself to relating to the Holy Spirit in that way