READ: 1 Samuel 16:1-13

“...thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour” – Leviticus 19:15

A principle is a fundamental rule, which becomes the basis of our reasoning and actions. A principle is a general law, which is the foundation for a decision. To build a lasting organization, church or nation, you must base your reasoning, actions and decisions on principles.

Principles outlive favouritism, partisanship and political expediency. When a leader decides to place members of his family in certain positions they do not qualify for, he has set aside principles and is governing his organization by emotionalism. The Bible teaches that partiality and hypocrisy are not wisdom (James 3:17). Your nation, business or church will be destroyed when you deal with people based on family relationships rather than important principles.

An organization ruled by a leader who takes decisions to gain personal financial advantage will become highly indebted and eventually collapse. An organization ruled by ethnicity rather than by principles is destined for division and war.

Consider these three principles that will help you to build your organization:
1. Everybody must have an equal opportunity to make the
best of his life in your organization.
2. Everyone must be promoted and rewarded based on merit
rather than anything else.
3. Hard work, productivity, loyalty, and a good attitude musst
always be rewarded.