READ: 2 Samuel 16:15-19

And Hushai said unto Absalom, … And again, whom should I serve? SHOULD I NOT SERVE IN THE PRESENCE OF HIS SON? AS I HAVE SERVED IN THY FATHER’S PRESENCE, SO WILL I BE IN THY PRESENCE.” – 2 Samuel 16:18-19

Hushai the Archite deceived Absalom, the rebellious son with an amazing saying:

… as I have served in thy father’s presence, so will I be in thy presence. 2 Samuel 16:19

In his speech, he revealed the significance of serving in the presence of the king. You see, Hushai had served in the government of Israel as an advisor to the king. To serve as an advisor to the king, he had to work in the very presence of the king. He knew what it meant to work in the presence of the king. Most people work outside the presence of the leader. They may work for the leader but outside his presence. Hushai reminded Absalom that he knew that it was a very great experience to work in the presence of the king. Anyone who has experienced working in the presence of the king would not like to work outside the presence of the king.

I have quite a number of people that work for me in the ministry. However, just a few of these people work in my presence all the time. Even in my small world, I know that those who work in my presence have a higher and a nicer experience working than those who work outside my presence. This is exactly what it is like to serve God in His presence. It is much nicer and much higher to experience the presence of God as you work for God. Unfortunately, there are people who preach, teach and travel in the name of the Lord but are far away from the presence of the Lord.

You can serve God in His presence. You can also serve God outside His presence. These are two different experiences. You must discover what the presence of God is and seek to serve God in His presence.