READ: Mark 16:15-20

And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” – Mark 16:15

I wrote a book titled, “How you can Preach Salvation.” I wrote that book because of the great deficiency in our preaching of the gospel. There are many ways in which you can preach the gospel. The gospel of Jesus Christ can be preached by preaching about the impending judgments of Heaven and Hell. The gospel of Jesus Christ can be preached by preaching about the love of God. You can preach about the blood of Jesus Christ. It is important for you to learn how to preach the gospel.

The Great Commission is a commission to go to all the world. Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world!” This is the mandate we have been given. Who will go to “all the world”? The answer is, “YOU will go to all the world!” Everyone thinks someone else will go to the entire world. That is why no one goes. You must assume a personal responsibility for this commission. You must think of the whole world. Your voice must be heard in the whole world. You must preach in the whole wide world.

The Great Commission is a commission to every creature. Jesus said, “Preach … to every creature!” Does that include animals? I do not think so. Souls lost in sin and depravity are like pitiful creatures that need help. The dying multitudes struggling in the ocean of desperation are the creatures Jesus is talking about.

The perishing crowds who live in sin, misery and pain are the creatures God is talking about. The thousands of shrieking, agonizing prostitutes, thieves, liars, blasphemers, drunkards, murderers and ungodly people are the creatures Jesus Christ is talking about. Many human beings are reduced to pitiful demonized creatures. Multitudes are thirsting for the milk of salvation