READ: Psalm 5:11-12

And the king loved Esther above all the women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so that he set the royal crown upon her head, and made her queen instead of Vashti.” – Esther 2:17

Instead of labouring to be rich, you must labour for the blessing of being favoured. Why work with all your heart to get money, when you can work with all your heart to have favour. When you are favoured, you will not have to work for many things that others are dying for. A favoured person is a blessed person! A favoured person receives many supernatural gifts!

Favour is important. Favour is all about being chosen without any specific reason given. To have favour is to be chosen! From a certain point onwards, promotion does not come through your examinations or class tests. Life is all about favour and being chosen. The biggest promotions and the biggest positions are never based on education or qualifications. They are based on favour.

One of the most important experiences for a woman is to be chosen by a man for marriage. Unfortunately, there is no examination for this. When a man chooses a woman, he can hardly explain why he chose her. There are often many people just like the girl he chose. And yet he chooses her! That is favour! When Esther was eventually chosen, there was no good reason given. The biggest opportunities are often given by unexplained decisions. The Bible is full of teachings and revelations on the subject of favour. This is because so many things come through favour. Therefore, labour for favour rather than labouring to be rich. Understand the principles that work behind favour. Do everything you can to be favoured. Instead of aiming to be rich, aim to be a “favoured favourite.” All through the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit gave divine favour to people and that led to their prosperity.