READ: Romans 7:1-4
“…ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.” – Romans 7:4

Committed members are the building blocks of a large church. The key to increasing in size is to have more and more very committed people.

The Bible teaches that we are supposed to be married to Christ. It is only when a man and woman have marital commitment that they suc- cessfully bring forth fruit (children). When there is marital commitment to the church, the Bible teaches that we will bear spiritual fruit. The higher the commitment, the more the fruit.

In marriage, there should be no thought of divorce, but rather a spirit of permanence. You cannot decide to stay or leave. You must stay; it is as simple as that! You are in it for good. There may be conflicts, challenges and even disappointments, but this should have no ability to shake the commitment of a married couple. Like everyone else, I have had challenges in my marriage. I have had happy times and not so happy times. Nevertheless, I never consider the option of divorce. That option has been ruled out by the Word of God and by my level of commitment.

This is the type of commitment I expect from all pastors, leaders and mature members in the church. I am committed to them for life and I expect them to be committed to me for life. When a church has a pastor who is unstable, the congregation can feel the instability. The church members are not ready to give their best if they feel that their pastor is there just for a season. Let’s be committed to one another.