READ: 2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again” – Luke 6:38

Instead of labouring to be rich, you must labour for the blessing that comes by giving. Instead of striving for wealth, strive for the blessing that comes from giving. Why work with all your heart to get rich, when you can work with all your heart for a blessing. Strive to enter the blessings that come to those who give.

Labouring to give is completely different from labouring to be rich. Labouring to give is to work very hard so that you can give money to support things that God touches your heart about. What a blessed life you have when you are labouring to give! No one can say that you are working aimlessly when you are labouring to give. No one can say that you are accumulating riches for when you are labouring to give. Giving is the great spiritual key to prosperity. Instead of labouring to be rich, labour to be a giver.

I once saw a businessman working so hard but with no spiritual goals. He just wanted to acquire more and more money. I am sad to say that the harder he worked, the more he sunk into debt and confusion.

If you had as your goal, a desire to give certain amounts of money, it would bring meaning into your life. You would be labouring to give! Without a good reason for living and labouring, you will soon become depressed. Life is meaningless without having a good vision for your life. Labour not to be rich. This is what the Word of God teaches. If you should not labour to be rich, what should you do? Answer is, “Labour to give!”