READ: Mark 4:35-41

And in the morning, rising up A GREAT WHILE before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” – Mark 1:35

Different types of prayer can be used to solve different problems. In today’s Scripture reading, Jesus found Himself in a crisis. There was no time to find a quiet place to pray for the hand of God to move on their behalf. He just prayed a short but powerful prayer and the storm ceased!

In John 11:41, Jesus encountered another situation that demanded an immediate response. He needed a miracle for His family friends. His old pal Lazarus had been dead for four days. He had to pray a short prayer and He needed results immediately.

These types of prayers come in handy when you are faced with a crisis situation and there is no time to retreat and pray. Pray a short and powerful prayer when you need to and believe that God has heard you. After the short and powerful prayer, act boldly just like Jesus did! You will have one hundred per cent results.

There are times that it is important to spend a long time in prayer. Jesus did this very often. The Bible records in Mark 1:35 that He prayed a great while before day, and in Luke 6:12 that He prayed all night. Develop the art of praying for several hours. Start with one hour and graduate to three hours. Then progress to five and seven hours or more!

There are times you have to pray on the same topic for hours. Jesus did it! It is not useless repetition; it is praying like Jesus did.