READ: Joshua 1:1-8

But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.” – Psalm 1:2

There is a difference between reading and meditation. Most people do not read books. Out of those who read, just a few meditate carefully on what they read. What does this leave us with? Very very few people actually meditate on the Word of God or on what they read! Where does this leave us? It leaves us with very very few really successful people.

Meditation is a key to success in school, in university and in life. It is those who meditate on the Word who really understand what they read. Meditation on the Word of God was a key to the success of Joshua. Following Joshua will require you to faithfully meditate on the Word of God. You can always tell when you meet someone who meditates on the Word of God. He is full of insight and revelation of the things he reads. He teaches you the Scriptures you already know and you wonder if you have read them before!

When you meditate on something, you understand it in a very different way. That is when it begins to benefit you. Meditation is the key you need for your life and ministry. It is the key that will make you like Joshua and cause you to enter new territories.

I recently met a pastor who had begun to meditate on the sentences and lines of a book that I had written. He reported a phenomenal change in his ministry. Indeed, the great writings God has placed in our hands will benefit us when we meditate on them line by line.