READ: Acts 8:26-40

And he arose and went: and, behold, a man of Ethiopia, an eunuch of great authority under Candace queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of all her treasure, and had come to Jerusalem for to worship, Was returning, and SITTING IN HIS CHARIOT READ ESAIAS THE PROPHET” – Acts 8:27-28

Be open to ancient ministries. The Ethiopian eunuch was open to the ancient ministry of Isaiah, the prophet. Isaiah the prophet lived hundreds of years before the Ethiopian eunuch lived. Yet, the Ethiopian eunuch was reading the prophet Isaiah’s book. It is the searching through of the ancient ministry of Isaiah that brought salvation to the Ethiopian eunuch.

There are many things to learn from ministries that existed long ago. Today, I learn from many ministers who are dead and gone. Indeed, there are many things to learn from ministers who lived two hundred years before you. In fact, I find that some of the purest messages can be found in ministries that existed many years ago.

Some of the messages that were preached in the past are not preached today. How would you ever hear the words of William Carey, Adoniram Judson or John Wesley if you are not open to ancient ministries?

There are precious people who once lived and ministered powerfully. Many people have forgotten what they stood for. Many people do not understand what they did. Their lives and their words will bless you beyond measure if you are open to them. God will do new things in your life if you are open to ancient ministries.

John Wesley lived a few hundred years ago, yet I admire him so much. I would like to achieve the many wonderful things that he did for God. I have read much about John Wesley’s life. I have visited John Wesley’s house, John Wesley’s church and even his burial place. What a blessing that was to me! Opening myself up to this ancient ministry was definitely a turning point in my life.