READ: Isaiah 61:1-6

… THAT THEY MIGHT BE CALLED TREES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.” – Isaiah 61:3

Attempting to plant a great tree is attempting to do something great for God. It is one of the great things you can do for the Lord.

Every great tree has taken many years to grow. It has survived being eaten by animals and being cut down by human beings. A great tree has survived many storms and many seasons. A great tree provides shade for many people. A great tree provides wood for many people. A great tree provides a resting place for many birds. A great tree is a great thing and to have planted a great tree is a great accomplishment. The word of God calls you a tree planted by the Lord.

There are many ways to plant a great tree. If someone you lead to Christ becomes established as a great Christian, you have planted a great tree. If your convert grows up to be a strong Christian who helps many others, you will see that you have planted a great tree. When you raise up a great person in the ministry, you have planted a great seed and given birth to a great tree.

Many years ago, a Christian sister helped to establish me in Christ Jesus. She took me to a Christian programme, introduced me to a church and helped me to buy my first Bible. She then taught me how to have my quiet time and established me in a Christian fellowship. Indeed, the seeds that this Christian sister planted in my life have grown into this book that you are now reading. You will never know whom you are following up! Do not forget how to plant a great tree!