READ: Hebrews 11: 1-13

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is…“ – Hebrews 11:6

Faith is the reason for breakthroughs and miracles in our lives. Faith is the reason for answers to prayer.

Generally speaking, people who have faith are more prosperous than those who do not. I have noticed a difference between Christians who walk by faith and those who do not! Faith people also experience disappointments, sickness and other shortcomings. However, very generally speaking, I notice a trend of blessings, abundance and long life among those who believe God for them.

God says in Hebrews 10:38 that if you draw away from faith, He will not be pleased with you. There are those who think that faith is not so important. They tend to draw away from the faith message and faith people. They feel that there must rather be an emphasis on patience, gentleness, holiness, etc. I believe these are important, and they all play special roles in the Christian life. This, however, does not mean we should play down on the importance of faith to the Christian life. The fact that the heart is important to the body does not mean that the kidneys are not equally important. Both are important, and both have special roles to play.

Faith is a very special virtue which has a key role to play in every Christian’s life. The Bible is very clear on this fact: without faith it is impossible to please God!