READ: Exodus 15:22-26

But he was wounded for our transgressions …and with his stripes we are healed.” – Isaiah 53:5

Rophe is a Hebrew word that means, “to heal, to restore, to mend, to fix, to cure, or to repair”.

“To heal”, means “to become or make something healthy again, to cure somebody who is ill, to make someone feel happy again, to put an end to something or make something easier to bear.” Many aspects of healing go beyond having a physical disorder and a physical cure.

“To repair”, means, “to mend something that is broken, damaged or torn”. God is the one who can repair His damaged and blotched handiwork.

“To restore”, means “to bring something back to a former condition, place or position”. When God manifests as Jehovah Rophe, He brings back a state of well-being that existed before.

“To mend”, means, “to repair something that has been damaged or broken so that it can be used again”. God is repairing your broken life and your damaged relationships so that His glory will be manifested fully in your life.

“To fix,” means, “to repair or correct something”. God introduces things into our lives to adjust and correct every crooked situation and to bless us greatly.

“To cure”, means, “to make someone healthy again after an illness”. God is in the process of making you healthy again.

God is able to heal the complex burdens of the human race. He is Jehovah Rophe!