READ: John 6:59-69

To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.” – Proverbs 1:4

Jesus told His disciples that His words contained two important things. They contained life and the Spirit! The Spirit is the anointing! Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost, and therefore the Holy Ghost (the substance with which he was anointed) is the anointing (Acts 10:38).

You can be with Jesus today by reading your Bible. You will not be a minister of substance if you do not have your own personal fellowship with the Lord. I do not mean a last minute check of certain Scriptures before you preach. You ought to fellowship with Jesus everyday. The glory of the Lord will be upon you when you fellowship with God.

As you closely associate with a man of God, you will hear him speaking repeatedly. These words contain the anointing. Elisha associated closely with Elijah and heard him speak all the time (2 Kings 2:11). For many people, close association with men of God is not possible except through the medium of books and tapes. The words of anointed men of God contain the Spirit and life. Reading books written by anointed men is an invaluable way of associating with them. The time you spend reading a book is spent fellowshipping with the author of the book. What a great privilege it is to interact with a great person for three hours in the privacy of your home!

The disciples listened to the words of Jesus; that is how they were anointed.