READ: 2 Peter 2:4-9

Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.” – Psalms 33:18-19

In the Psalms, God promises that He will keep you alive in the time of famine. A famine is the same as an economic crisis. Africa is in a perpetual economic depression. But that is where the glory of the Lord can arise. Indeed, the seed of the righteous shall be delivered. A thousand shall fall on your side and ten thousand on your right hand, but God will exempt you. God will exempt you from evil because He knows how to extract the godly from temptations.

Most armies know how to extract their soldiers from dangerous places where they are trapped. They will send troops to get them out. They will send commandos to extract them miraculously from their captors. They will spend money to buy their release from hijackers and kidnappers. They will risk lives to save their lives. There are many films that are dedicated to the saving of a few captured soldiers. Everyone loves to watch how dedicated and sacrificial soldiers are saved from their captors.

If secular and wicked unbelievers know how to extract their own from the field, do you think God cannot extract you from this world? God can extract you from this dark world and save you from the evil that is sweeping through. God can stretch out His long arm and rescue you from any situation. God’s arm is very long indeed! He will deliver you! He will save you! He will exempt you! You will be blessed with the blessing of exemption.