READ: Proverbs 4:1-13

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee” – Proverbs 4:7-9

A principle is a revelation! A principle is a deep understanding of how something works. A principle is something that allows you to develop!

It was a principle that allowed human beings to develop the bicycle, the wheelbarrow and then the car. It is principles that allowed human beings to develop trucks, tractors, trams and then trains.

It was principles that allowed human beings to fly kites, then aeroplanes and now rockets. It was principles that allowed men to create a bow and arrow, then a pistol, then a machine gun, missiles and then inter-continental ballistic missiles. A principle just allows you to go further and deeper.

Each of these vehicles operates on the same principles. Once you get the principle right, you can do many other things.

Learn great principles because they are great foundations upon which you can develop. These principles are going to place in your hand, keys that will ensure your rising into higher levels in God. If you are not tired of learning you will not be tired of rising!

Salvation is a major surgery that has taken place in your soul. Salvation can be likened to a heart transplant! After surgery, the doctors have to tell you the implications of the surgery that they have performed. If you are born again, you have had a spiritual heart transplant. God has taken out the stony heart and replaced it with a heart of flesh! It is important to understand the principles of salvation in the Word of God. God will give you a new understanding that will make you grow in grace.