READ: James 1:5-8

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.” – James 1:5

Are you searching for knowledge and wisdom? Follow these keys and learn how to develop into a man of knowledge and wisdom.

1. Noticing, recognizing things is the first step to gaining knowledge. People who lack wisdom do not notice things (Jeremiah 1:11-12). Monkeys lack the ability to point out things to their children. The inability to notice things, to point things out, to acknowledge things and to reward great achievements is a sign of mental deficiency. Nations that do not reward successful people, but rather punish them, reveal a deep-seated deficiency.

2. Considering, thinking, meditating is a step to wisdom (Proverbs 24:30-34). People who do not think deeply cannot become wise. To think, to calculate and to meditate is an important activity that is lacking in people who are not wise. People who are not wise run from activity to activity without thinking deeply.

3. Acknowledging and honouring is a step to knowledge (Luke 11:31).

Great achievers should be recognized and honoured. It is a sign of dwelling in an intelligent community. Albert Einstein, the great physicist, released some scientific papers of his theories in 1905. Amazingly, at the time when people did not fully understand the implications of his discoveries and calculations, he was hailed, acknowledged and recognized.

He became a worldwide celebrity by the age of forty. He was honoured for his achievements. He was living in an enlightened society that could recognise a great achievement. He toured the world giving lectures on his calculations and theories of relativity. I do not think that if he had discovered these theories in certain places, he would have been thanked or even recognized