READ: Nehemiah 4:7-18

“For the builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and so builded…“ – Nehemiah 4:18

Nehemiah is a type of apostle. He was sent to build the house of God and establish the people of God. He is the example that every modern-day apostle must learn from. His struggles will be your struggles. His temptations will be your temptations and his victories will be your victories. You can learn from him and experience the same kind of success that he did.

You must accept that you will have to build for God and fight many battles at the same time. It is part of the call, especially in this end time. You will fight battles outside and you will fight battles within. You will fight physical beings and you will also fight spiritual beings. You will fight enemies who look like enemies but you will also fight enemies who look like friends.

Do not think that the enemy is going to sit back and let you build the house of God. He will ambush you! He will sabotage you! He will trap you! He will send decoys! He will distract you! He will accuse you! He will frighten you! He will deceive you! All these will happen to you while you try to build something for God. It is time to accept the way things are. Do not be discouraged because of the way things are. All apostles like Nehemiah will have numerous battles and will have to fight and build throughout their lives.

Take your weapons and get yourself ready for a long fight as you build the house of God. It is time to build and fight at the same time!