READ: Ecclesiastes 7: 15–20

For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and GOING ABOUT TO ESTABLISH THEIR OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
Romans 10:3

Self-righteous people are often fruitless. Self-righteous people are full of idealism. They know what is right and they know what is wrong. But they are not fruitful. There was a time that listening to the radio was considered a sin by self-righteous people. There was a time that watching television was considered a sin by self-righteous people. There was a time that taking medicine was considered a sin by self-righteous people. There was a time that wearing trousers was thought to be a sin. All these rules were made at different times for different reasons.

Unfortunately, the numerous rules that spiritually blind people have, gives them a false sense of confidence. Paul said, they go about to establish their own righteousness and have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God (Romans 10:3). Almost every Christian has a set of things that minister to him a sense of righteousness. When we do these things we feel righteous and we feel holy.

Spiritually blind people have a set of things that they do not do, that give them even more confidence in their false righteousness. They say things like, “I have never committed this sin before. I have never smoked, I have never drunk alcohol, I have never committed adultery, I have never failed to pay my tithes, I have never taken drugs.”

They do not realise that they have not done these things because of God’s mercy and grace. Beware of developing confidence in a list of things you have done or have not done. It will only lead to your spiritual blindness and barrenness.