READ: Mark 3:6-30

“But he that shall blas- pheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation…” – Mark 3:29

To blaspheme is to speak in an ir- reverent way about God or sacred things. It also means to show contempt or irreverence for God.

Jesus was an anointed preacher, ministering with the power of the Holy Ghost. A group of people accused Him of being a false prophet. They ascribed the power behind Jesus’ powerful healing crusades to the devil, when it was really the Holy Spirit at work. They unknowingly criticized the Holy Spirit. This prompted Jesus to give a teaching on blasphemy, especially blas- phemy against the Holy Spirit.

I have discovered that it is not only unbelievers who make this mistake. Born-again Christians also make the mistake of blaspheming with their tongues. Blasphemy is not only speaking irreverently against God. Blasphemy is also speaking irreverently about sacred things. Ministers of the Gospel are in a certain sense, sacred. They have been set apart to minister the holy things of the Lord.

It is a very common thing for Christians to speak irreverently against preachers they do not even know, when all they have heard is a rumour or a publication with half-truths. When you accuse a minister or a healer of being anointed of the devil, a false prophet, deceiver, drug pusher, or fornicator, you could be blaspheming.