READ: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

“That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” – Hebrews 6:12

Bad leaders are interested in taking only one step towards a goal. But most things are not achieved by taking one step.

People just want to take one step towards their goals. There are few things, if any , that can be reached with one step. The Bible says that “… things work together for good” (Romans 8:28). Many things work together to make one thing beautiful or successful. Many things are combined in a particular way and with particular timing to make a nice stew or soup. It is not just having one thing (good meat) that will make you have a nice stew.

Many people will take the step of prayer. Many Africans will take one step of fasting and praying every year. Many church members will take one step of sowing a seed in order to be prosperous. Because one step gets you almost nowhere the one step taken is often seen as having not worked. Because of this, people who have taken the one step of praying or one step of fasting or one step of sowing a seed have often complained that the one step does not work.

To achieve great goals you will need to take many steps. Each step in a strategy requires faith and patience. The first few steps require the most patience and the most faith in the wisdom of your strategy . If one of the steps you are taking is to have your quiet time, you need a lot of faith and patience to consistently have your quiet time, believing that it will have an effect on the outcome of your life. Become a man who takes as many strategic steps as needs be.