READ: John 4:35-38

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;” – Matthew 9:37

I realize that many Christians, and even pastors, do not notice the harvest of souls around them. I see the multitude of people all around and wonder if these people know Christ!

When driving to church, I see crowds of people streaming down the road. I often ask myself, “How many of these people know Christ as their Saviour? How many will really die in Christ? How many of them go to church on Sunday morning?”

Sometime ago, my wife and I drove through the streets of Johannesburg (in South Africa), which is a very beautiful city. We saw many nice buildings. At one point during the ride, we had a good view of the entire city beautifully lit with thousands of lights. As I looked down, I suddenly thought to myself that there are so many people in the world. South Africa is full of souls. Adam and Eve have done a good job in filling the earth!

I did not only see the nice buildings, but I saw the vastness of the harvest, which lay virtually untouched. Dear friend, there are millions of people around you. I don’t know if you notice that there are so many precious souls who have just a short time to live before tasting eternity. How many people will die in Christ? How many will live again?

The Lord Jesus testified of Himself that He is the good shepherd (John 10:11). He also said that He came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). A good pastor is one who seeks and saves the lost.