READ: Matthew 25:14-30


“And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” – Matthew 25:3

The expression “weeping and gnashing of teeth” is a little misunderstood by most of us. We often think it refers to Hell. However, the Bible says that they will weep and gnash their teeth in darkness. Weeping speaks of sorrow and of pain associated with funerals. This Scripture could be warning all who claim to be servants of God that failure to obey could cost them their very lives.

Kenneth Hagin, a great prophet I deeply respect, often speaks of how ministers die before their time because they do not obey the Lord concerning their ministry . He spoke of how he broke his arm and was admitted to hospital. The Lord Jesus appeared to him in the hospital, and he discovered that his accident had occurred because he did not take an aspect of his ministry seriously.

Dear friend, doing the work of God is not a joke. People were made to experience weeping and gnashing of teeth because they were unprofitable. “Unprofitable” simply means “unbeneficial, running at a loss, unsuccessful and losing money (souls)”. When you are losing souls for the Lord, do not expect Him to be pleased with you. He may have to recall or replace you.

Dear friend, ministry is serious business. God does not take lightly the investment that He places in you. To whom much is given, much is required, (Luke 12:48)!