READ: Psalm 55:16-23

But cursed be the deceiver…and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the Lord of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen.” – Malachi 1:14

Deception is the art of misleading people by false statements or false appearances. The world lives and thrives on deception. Most things are not what you think they are and most people tell lies as second nature. Christians struggle for years to overcome the habits of lying and deceiving. Lying and deception are negative traits that will destroy prosperity.

Lying and deception are negative traits that bring curses. A cursed person is a frustrated person. Nothing works out for him and he will always be lamenting about his misfortunes. “Cursed is the deceiver,” says the Word of God. The deceiver will be frustrated. The deceiver will not succeed. The deceiver will not be happy. The deceiver will be disappointed.

Lying and deception are coverings for hatred. When somebody lies to you, the person hates you. The Bible is clear about this and says, “A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it…” (Proverbs 26:28). The Bible also teaches that deception is the covering of someone’s hatred for you (Proverbs 26:26).

A person full of deception and hatred is not going to build anything good. He is an evil person who will self-destruct. The Bible predicts the self-destruction of wicked people (Proverbs 2:22, Psalm 55:23).

When you become a Christian you must move away from a life of lying and deception. In the end, lying and deception has a negative effect and you, the liar, are punished for your lying and deception.