Daily Devotional: 10th July “YOUR FIGHT, YOUR FAITH”

READ: 1 Timothy 6:6-14

Fight the good FIGHT OF FAITH, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.” – 1 Timothy 6:12

Your fight shows your faith! There is a fight of faith waiting for all of us. When you stop fighting, it means you have stopped having faith. Having faith is fighting for what you believe.

What has God told you that He is going to do? Keep fighting for the will of God to come to pass in your life. What you fight for shows what you believe in. If you fight for a political party to come into power, it shows your great faith in human beings and politics. If you fight for people to know about Jesus, it shows your great faith in Jesus Christ. If you fight for the church to be built, it shows your great faith in Jesus’ command to us to build His church.

It is time to show God that you believe in Him. You can do this by fighting for the righteous causes in the Word of God.

I am engaged in a war so that I can build God’s house. I believe in church planting and church growth. All my fights and battles have to do with my local church, the other churches, the buildings and the offices of the house of God. My fight reveals my faith.

What do you fight for? Are you fighting to make more money? Are you fighting to build a company or a firm? All that you fight for reveals your faith. When you fight for all these secular causes, it shows that your faith is more in human endeavour than in God’s eternal plan. It is time to show your faith in God by fighting for God’s kingdom. Become a man of faith!