READ: Daniel 6:1-3; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10

Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong,…” –  Hebrews 11:33-34

Daniel, one of the heroes of faith, emerged out of his weakness and became a strong, prominent national hero. No one could have imagined that the mighty Daniel who was posing as a Prime Minister in different regimes was simply a castrated eunuch.

From this low point of weakness, Daniel was made strong and emerged as a national hero and is remembered as a hero of faith. Many people today name their children after this man who emerged out of his weakness.

Most of us have some kind of weakness. Through faith, you will escape from the effects of your weaknesses. By faith, it will seem as though you have no weakness. Perhaps, you are sick with a chronic illness. By faith, your life will be like someone who has no illness. By faith, you will emerge out of your weakness. Perhaps, you take medicines or injections every day. God will strengthen you and help you to emerge out of your weakness. By faith, you will be so strong that people will pray to be like you. You will be surprised when people want to be like you.

You may be divorced through no fault of yours. You may despise yourself because of your divorce. I have some news for you. By faith, you will emerge out of that weakness! You are just like Daniel! You may see yourself as being incompetent, incapable and unqualified for ministry. Through that weakness, strength is coming into your life.

You may have the weakness of a terrible marriage. By faith, people will admire you and desire to be like you. By faith, people will describe you and your marriage as an ideal marriage and say that they want to be like you. Out of that weakness you will emerge with strength.