READ: Judges 15:1-20

Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; …” – Hebrews 6:1

In Judges Chapter 15, we read about Samson’s revenge on his father-in-law for giving his bride to his best man. It is a child who would act as Samson did. There are simpler ways of burning a farm. The man was clearly childish in his thinking. Yet, at the same time, he was a very mature man who gave reasonable judgements for at least twenty years.

There are many Christians like that. Their level of understanding of God’s Word is excellent, yet they are so childish.

A child is very unsteady and unstable. There are many childish Christians who cannot settle down in any church. They just cannot belong anywhere. They are unsteady and unstable, yet they have great knowledge. It takes maturity to belong to a church.

Children are often easily hurt, and they need a lot of attention. In the church setting, anybody who behaves in this manner is considered a child. Such people sometimes know many Scriptures and have been Christians for a long time, yet they still get easily hurt and need much attention. A mature person doesn’t seek attention, but rather gives it. Maturity is needed in every facet of our lives. It takes a mature man to settle down with one of the many beautiful ladies he sees around him. That is why people respect married men.

Are you mature and yet childish?