READ: Malachi 1:6

…I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God…” – Isaiah 14:13

When you are humble like a servant, you honour the master God has placed over you. When you lose this humility you do not acknowledge your master any more. Giving honour is the duty of a servant. People who have lost the humility of Christ find it difficult to honour anyone. If you have the humility of Christ, you will practice the art of honouring those to whom honour is due. So let’s ask ourselves, to whom is honour due? Who does the Bible say we should honour?

The Bible teaches us to honour fathers, mothers, pastors, teachers and masters. If you find it difficult to honour any of these people in your life, you have developed an invisible cloak of pride. Your difficulty in deferring to and honouring these people is the indication that you are not a servant.

If you want to practice humility, forget about developing a wide sheepish grin, smiling at everyone you see and saying ‘yes please’ and ‘thank you’ with every sentence. Begin to honour those to whom honour is due.

When you are humble like a servant, you also promote your master in everything. When you lose this humility you are no longer prepared to remain in obscurity. Servants promote their masters and not themselves. Do we promote ourselves? Why do we want to be known? Is it about us or is it about our Lord? The church is filled with self-promoting ministers. These things reveal a subtle pride that has crept into the ministry