READ: Ephesians 6:1-3
“Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.” – Ephesians 6:2-3

One of Solomon’s secrets was to obey his father’s instructions. King David, Solomon’s father, left him several important instructions.

Solomon obeyed all of them!

If you obey your father or mother, it will be well with you. If you do not obey them, it will not be well with you! It is as simple as that! Solomon’s kingship was established because he took his father’s words seriously and obeyed each instruc- tion to the letter. Solomon would never have become what he became if he had ignored his father’s instructions.

God gives every human being fathers. You can have a father after the flesh, which is your biological father. You can also have a father-in-law, your spouse’s father. You can have a spiritual father; someone who brought you to Christ and estab- lished you in the Lord. Another important type of father is a father-in-ministry. That is someone who brings you up and helps you to be established in the ministry. All these types of fathers are important to us.

It is important to understand the principle of honouring fathers and mothers. Many church leaders have walked out into spiritual abyss by violating these simple principles.
Before King David died, he called his son Solomon to his bedside and gave him some instructions. In his latter days, David had not been able to keep his family together. It was this same ailing father, who was giving instructions to Solomon. Yet Solomon obeyed his father!