READ: Job 29:2-17

For out of prison he cometh to reign; whereas also he that is born in his kingdom becometh poor.” – Ecclesiastes 4:14

A typical servant of servants rules over poor people. It is servants of servants who preside over dusty huts and povertystricken masses! Good leaders, who are not operating under the curse, preside over prosperous citizens whom they have allowed to flourish under their vision and leadership. Servants of servants are very comfortable being leaders of poor people. They do not even notice that the people under them are suffering. They seem to be oblivious of the fact that most people are in great need and have no jobs.

A servant of servants will first of all buy cars and houses for himself. He will live in luxury and wealth whilst he rules over masses of much poorer people. Wherever servants of servants rule, people are in great difficulty and there are few jobs available; you can have a country with ninety per cent unemployment.

By understanding the reality of this curse you must go in the opposite direction to ensure that the people you lead are prosperous and successful. Do not be happy to be the leader of a group of lean, hungry and povertystricken “have-nots”. You can neutralize this curse by fighting specifically for the people under you to be prosperous. Do not leave them to fend for themselves! Do not leave them to struggle to make it in life! Stretch out your hand and make people under you great.

You must distance yourself from being isolated at the top. Take everyone with you to the top. Let your leadership intentionally do the opposite of everything described above. God is giving you the wisdom to neutralize and diffuse a picture and a curse.