READ : James 5:13-16

…having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof…” – 2 Timothy 3:5

According to the above quoted Scripture, even godly people may deny the power of God. Such people will preach about the love of God and will extol Christian virtues but be silent about the power of God.

The Bible teaches us in the verses we read today from the book of James, what to do when we need healing. I believe that the power of the Holy Spirit is real. May I make a suggestion? Take a pair of scissors and cut out all the pages and parts of the Bible that talk about miracles. You will find out that you are left with virtually nothing. The pages of the Bible are replete with miracles. God is a God of miracles and power. You cannot separate the service of God from His power.

In this modern age, people have gradually moved away from the power side of God. People have withdrawn and become more sceptical. As people have become more educated, they have moved away from the supernatural.

Unfortunately, people who believe in miracles are seen as weird and unbalanced. Some have taught that it is poverty and backwardness that make people believe in supernatural power.

God is not against medicine or common sense. God is fully aware of the development of medical science and common sense. However, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. That means that He is still a healing Jesus, ready and capable of much miraculous power demonstration.