READ: Genesis 22:1-14

And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.” – Genesis 22:8

Aman of faith passes his exams! Passing your tests is a sign of your faith. Abraham was put through a test. He passed the test with flying colours. He passed his test because he believed in God. He believed that God was good. He believed that God would keep him. He believed that God would provide for him. Indeed, God provided a lamb just as he believed. God provided all that he needed on the mountain of sacrifice.

People cannot enter ministry because they do not have faith. They are not like Abraham. They do not believe that God is good and that God will provide. Perhaps you are not entering full-time ministry because you believe that God is a bad God. You think that God wants to destroy your life. You suspect that God wants to destroy your career. You think that God wants to take away your prosperity. But that is nonsense!

God does not call people to demote them. If God is calling you, it is only to bless you and help you. If you are like Abraham, you will trust that God is good and that he will provide. If people had this Abrahamic faith there would be more intelligent, educated, qualified and successful people opting for full-time ministry. Unfortunately, many intelligent, educated and successful people think that God is trying to rob them of their earthly possessions. God does not call people to destroy them. Think correctly and have faith in God.