READ: Matthew 14:22-31

…. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. – Matthew 14:24-27

In your walk with God, there are certain things you need to see. There are certain things that will stay in you because you saw them.

Years ago I met a very beautiful girl. All girls are beautiful but some have a little something extra. This one had a little extra something. As the years passed by, I noticed that she was unable to enter a relationship, nor was she able to get married.

Was it that she was not getting suitors? Certainly not! Many young men wanted to marry her. Some were bankers, some were professionals and some were Christians. Indeed she had a large variety
to choose from. But she wanted no one! The years went by. Then she turned twenty-five. Then thirty. Then she became forty years old. Then she became fifty. Then fifty-five. Still this girl wanted no one! I wondered why till I found out why. She had lived with her father and mother happily, till her home was invaded by another woman. Her parents’ marriage broke up and she watched her mother fall apart for many years. This experience had a profound effect on her. What she saw in her home completely destroyed her soul, and she was filled with fear. Even when the best suitors proposed to her, she was unable to enter into a relationship. I am sure that every time a brother proposed to her, she had visions of her weeping, broken, disappointed, disillusioned and disheartened mother. Negative faith had
overwhelmed her soul.

When you see the power of God it affects you even more than when you hear about it. When you see miracles, crusades and crowds, your faith is affected. Faith comes to you based on the things you see. Indeed, there is no clear scripture that says, “Faith comes by seeing” but there are a lot of scriptures that show us that faith does come to those who see certain thing.