READ: 2 Chronicles 2:1-9

Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and favour the dust thereof” – Psalms 102:13-14

When the servants of God take pleasure in the stones of the church, God favours His people. God showed mercy to Zion because His servants were interested in the stones of the temple.

Notice how Solomon sought great stones to build the temple. Solomon clearly took pleasure in the stones of the house of God.

And the king commanded, and they brought GREAT STONES, costly stones, and hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house. 1 Kings 5:17

Solomon spent seven years building his own house. I am sure his house was really beautiful. However, we do not have much detail on it because it was not that important. What was important was the temple that he built. Solomon is famous because of the church he built and not because of his own home. Three thousand years have passed and Solomon’s temple is still important and still in the news. You must respect the church of God. It is God’s house!

It is time for you to take pleasure in building the church. You must rise up and take pleasure in laying foundations, buying blocks, buying metal trusses, roofing sheets, tiles, toilet bowls and cement for the house of God.

What a great honour it is to take pleasure in the stones of Zion! What a great pleasure it is to favour the dust of Zion! The cement that is used to build the church is the dust of Zion. Choose to pay for the dust of Zion rather than choosing to build something for yourself.

And Solomon determined to build an house for the name of the Lord, and an house for his kingdom. 2 Chronicles 2:1