READ: Exodus 14:5-29

By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land: which the Egyptians assaying to do were drowned.” – Hebrews 11:29

The Red Sea speaks of the greatest obstacle, problem and difficulty of your life. In the journey from Egypt to Israel, the biggest obstacle, problem and challenge was the Red Sea.

The miracle of crossing the Red Sea shows the difference between those who had faith and those who did not have faith. Those who had faith crossed the Red Sea. Those who did not have faith were drowned in the Red Sea. It was not wisdom that made the difference between crossing and drowning. It was not technology that made the difference. It was not education that made the difference. It was not money or riches that made the difference. It was not their nationality that made the difference. Faith made the difference! Faith brought victory over the greatest obstacle and challenge of their lives.

The Israelites were able to cross through the Red Sea because they had faith. Faith was the secret weapon that God gave His people. The Red Sea destroyed the Egyptians because they had no faith in the God of Israel. You will be able to do certain things because you have faith in God.

I predict that you are going to go through your Red Sea and come out smiling. Your faith is going to work! Because you believe in God, things are going to work out. Your faith in Jesus Christ is going to be your great advantage. Some trust in money. Some trust in chariots. Some trust in education. Some trust in their connections. But as you trust in God and exercise your faith, you will come out shining.

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Psalms 20:7